Our mission is to help government sponsored gaming around the world to grow and prosper. Opportunities to innovate abound with new games, new distribution channels, new ways to engage the players’ interest, new ways to enhance entertainment value. What’s new about PGRI is our commitment to advocating for change, and delivering editorial and analyses that address the challenging, and sometimes problematic, issues of the day. While we continue to analyze the games, promotions, and strategies that are working best, we are also assessing the changing political, legal, and regulatory environment.
Gaming professionals trust Public Gaming because it is the oldest continuously published magazine for the worldwide gaming industry owned by the Public Gaming Research Institute - the first worldwide information gaming source created in 1973. - Award-Winning Editorial -Over the years, since its inception in 1975 Public Gaming has been the recipient of many editorial awards and accolades and won a special industry award in 1999 - honored at NASPL ‘99 for 30 years of service to the lottery industry.
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